Conditions of Use
Thank you for using the UL LLC Enhanced Architectural Services. By using the website and its related services, (collectively, the “Site”) you agree to be bound by these terms (“Conditions of Use”). Additional or separate terms may apply to your interactions with other UL websites. To the extent that the provisions of any additional terms conflict with these Conditions of Use, the provisions of the additional terms will govern. References to “UL”, “our”, “we”, or “us” may refer to UL LLC. We may make changes to the Site and the Conditions of Use. It is your responsibility to review the Conditions of Use for updates or changes. UL Enhanced Architectural Services are covered by the following terms and conditions:
- The advice provided by UL Enhanced Architectural Services does not imply that a given fire-resistance rated design, assembly, system, product or other construction will comply with building or installation code requirements, or will be accepted by authorities having jurisdiction in an actual installation.
- UL staff will attempt to provide the information requested in the original request in a timely fashion, but there is no guarantee that these time commitments will be met due to technical problems, outages, staff availability, and other reasons.
- The information provided during an Enhanced Architectural Services investigation will be as agreed upon prior to receiving payment for the service. If during subsequent communications additional information is requested, an additional payment may be required to cover the additional services requested.
- The information provided under UL Enhanced Architectural Services will not result in the granting of a UL Listing or the Authorization to use the UL Listing Mark.
- Authorities Having Jurisdiction should be consulted:
- In all cases regarding the particular requirements covering installations of particular products and designs in their particular jurisdiction and the use of UL Certified products, equipment, system, devices, and materials.
- Before construction.
- Fire resistance assemblies and products are developed by the design submitter and have been investigated by UL for compliance with applicable requirements. The published information cannot always address every construction nuance encountered in the field.
- This service is specific to a single occurrence on a project, project address and municipality. The report cannot be re-used for other projects or locations and does not circumvent UL Certification services for products and/or systems.
- Users of fire resistance rated assemblies and systems are advised to consult the general UL Guide Information for each product category and each group of assemblies and systems. The UL Guide Information includes specifics concerning alternate materials and alternate methods of construction.
- Only products which bear UL’s Mark are considered Certified by UL.